Ftg academy



We help you integrate into our organization. During the process, you will get to know yourself and the basics of the organization better.

Factfulness Training

We present the 10 instinctual urges that distort our perception and cause us to misjudge the world.


Develop your competences with our company-validated labour market training platform.

During the Academy, you will be given 10 challenges that will develop your personality and, once you have chosen your industry, you will gain a deeper insight into the field through the challenges and a practical advantage on the job market!

Husky mindset

When you reach this level of the Academy, you can choose from 4 options:

  • You want to become an employee
  • Become an entrepreneur
  • You are on a career change/fulfilment path
  • You don’t know what you want to be

Our 3-month course will help you find your goals and direction!

top mindset mastermind

After completing the 10 InnerTalent challenges, you will be placed in a Mastermind group.

You can read about how mastermind groups work in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, written in 1937 at the request of Henry Ford, based on a quarter of a century of extensive research.

The genre focuses on community, problem solving and mindset development. The goal is to develop your mindset.

It will help you make better career decisions and build a more secure future!

Cognitive games

FTG has entered into a professional partnership with the OkosDoboz team, Hungary’s leading education platform.

Within this framework, 11 cognitive games have been selected to develop your cognitive skills.

We develop problem solving, memory, attention and more in a playful way to help you perform better in life!

Ftg academy

Skills development for a successful future!

The FTG Academy is a comprehensive 2-year program, a successful attitude-building, challenging and complex process that will give you a professional edge in the job market while becoming a proactive, ambitious community member! All this with a professional and fun experience after completing the milestones.

Additional programs

Alongside the two-year FTG Academy, we provide additional skills development programs to help you develop and expand your network.

Cooling Night



Once a month, we organize the Cooling Night, where we invite successful people to talk about their life, their successes, failures, and the most significant lessons learned. Here you can learn about the careers, decisions, and challenges of billionaire businessmen, athletes, and artists. Who have been our guests so far? 

In our monthly courses you can learn about time management, conscious planning, stress management, negotiation and presentation techniques and body language.

Our Erasmus+ International Conferences give you the chance to travel to other countries, learn about other cultures and build international contacts. At these conferences, your travel, accommodation and meals are covered by our organisation or partner organisation!

It pays to invest in your development

We have also set up a motivation system for our members. What we reward most in the community is your professional progress! You can grow and be rewarded at the same time! But what kind of rewards? Here are a few examples of what those who make good progress with the COMPANY Academy programme can apply for

1. Catamaran on Lake Balaton: 15 people per year will receive a one-day catamaran trip on Lake Balaton

2. Rent option: move into a rented accommodation at a reduced price

3. Ticketing system: when you complete the milestone, you will receive tickets that you can redeem for coffee with famous people, such as Károly Gerendai or Judit Zolnay.

4. Leadership Training: One of our Advisory Board members has offered 5 free places on his 1 million HUF leadership training to those who complete the FTG Academy

This is just a taster of the many opportunities our members can win by joining us and choosing professional development!

And what do we expect in return? A desire to improve, a passion to break out, a strong attitude to want to be better every day!

Catamaran sailing

FTG House

Ticketing system

Vezetői képzés

Partnereink és támogatóink

Our members have said

I would like to share with you the joy of being accepted to Yale University on a full scholarship! FTG has accompanied me throughout my development since I was little, supported me in my goals, and recently has been particularly instrumental in helping me to achieve them.
Dörnyei Bendegúz
In our learning environments, at school, at work or even at home, we can constantly acquire new knowledge, but often not in line with our values, needs and abilities. At FTG, I have been practising self-development for many years through a wide range of activities; lectures, charity projects, teamwork, workshops or while completing InnerTalent challenges.
Csapliczky Vivien
At the FTG you are constantly surrounded by people who want to grow and are open-minded. They are receptive to ideas and eager to get involved in projects. They are creative and smart. The best environment to be in.
Kiss Gergő